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invitrol HbA1c

Additional Information

Safety data sheets:

invitrol® HbA1c

Lyophilized, whole blood-based control with HbA1c target values in the physiological and pathological range

Lyophilized material
Storage in refrigerator and delivery at room temperature possible

High comparability with patient samples
Human whole blood, no addition of preservatives or stabilizers

Available in 2 concentration ranges
as required by the RiliBÄK


Analyt composition

Components Unit Level 1 Level 2
HbA1c mmol/mol 35 90
  % 5.5 10

Please note:
Analyte composition and analyte concentration may vary with each lot or instrument. Refer to the package insert of currently available lots for specific analyte and stability claims.



Instrument specific values for:

Bio-Rad D-10
Tosoh G

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Art. No

  • REF 110 264
    (2 x 3 x 0,5 ml)
    invitrol® HbA1c Kombi 


At 2…8 °C are stable until to the expiration date on the label

After reconstitution:
7 days at 2...8 °C
14 days at ≤ -20 °C